
Indonesia Latitude and Longitude

By D 7070 CH , Posted in:

The geographical alignment of Indonesia suggests latitude of 5 o 00' N and longitude of 120 o 00' E. The definite latitude of Indonesia signifies its position in Northern Hemisphere and its proximity to the equator.
The country of Indonesia is actually a terra firma amid the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. The country of Indonesia incorporates 1,919,440 square kilometers of area in the southeastern region of Asia. The terrain of Indonesia is pervaded by valley and lowland in coastal areas while crags are found in the bigger islands of Indonesia.

The climatic condition of Indonesia is specified as tropic climate which is arid and damp whereas the upland areas are dominated by moderate temperature.

The latitude and the longitude of Jakarta the capital of Indonesia are 6 o 10' S and 106 o 48'E respectively. The difference of time is UTC+7.

  Indonesia Latitude & Longitude  

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